Our hotel was called the Gasthof zum Rassen. It was a nice German guest house. They had the typical German buffet breakfast of cheeses, meats, breads and fruit. You could get a soft boiled egg if you wanted one. I remember every time we would go visit Dennis' grandmother she would eat her soft boiled egg every morning. Now I understand. It is such a German thing. There is so much about her and her ways that make so much sense to us now. In our hotel was this thing we thought was a closet. Right before bed it started to make noise. Matt came to get me and it turned out to be a little kitchen in there. It had a fridge, hot burners sink and everything. Too funny and sooooo German. Right across the street from the hotel was an amazing Nativity enclosed in glass.
So what IN the kitchen was making noise??? How interesting! You are having so much fun and such fabulous experiences there already. We didn't do much of that, Bill worked crazy hours, then he was deployed to saudi, I was pregnant and sick, then had a new baby, then before we left was preg and sick again... I would have loved to go there with the kids as teenagers and get to have so much fun with them!!! (so, is it easier to travel there - in Europe - than in Japan??? it seems so already by your adventures. ;-)
Germans really are ingenious sometimes. They can make a lot fit into a tiny space. Americans just make everything bigger!
the fridge in the kitchen kicked on and was making noise. It is soooo much easier and cheaper to travel here than in Japan. The place we went this weekend is only 3 hours away. It could take that just to get to Yokota!
I am just getting caught up on your blog. What a fun trip! I am so glad you have a blog. I love reading it.
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