Wednesday, January 21, 2009


We had such a blast sledding. I was so surprised at how young the kids were that were out there. There was one on his way up that had to be only 2 or 3. He had a binky in his mouth but he had ski boots and pants on. His dad was taking him to ski school. The little ones in ski school were sooooo little. Poor Matt just could not figure out how to make the sled turn. He kept turning the wrong way. Finally towards the end he got the hang of it. We all had a really good time and can not wait to go back up again. Believe it or not it is only like a three hour drive from our house!!!!!!!

1 comment:

Jason and Lissa said...

I have an aversion to sledding thanks to a youth activity when I was a teenager. I was on a sled with someone on it behind me, and they steered us into a tree. I was in front, so I was pinned between my friend and the tree. I've never had the wind knocked out of me before that, and I never want to experience that again! I'm FAR too fond of breathing! :)