Friday, April 6, 2012

Daniel Comes Home From His Missioin

Daniel was supposed to come home from his mission right before Christmas. At the end of November he wrote and told me he was very sick. After several doctors visiting and even more calls from a sweet family looking out for him there in his mission it was decided to send him home. The Monday after he got home we had him into a specialist. It turns out his spleen was super enlarged and the tests on his liver we not good at all. When all the tests were in he was diagnosed with Epstein Barr Virus. They gave him some good pain meds and told him to sleep as much as he could and do NOTHING else. The doc told us that if he were to get hit by any force by his spleen that it would rupture. The poor kid did noting be eat very little and sleep a lot for weeks. It was months before we started to see the real Daniel again. Here are some pictures of the sign we made for him. We only had three days notice that he would be home.

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