So when Meagan pointed out it was her last first day Matthew says "oooh it is my last first day too. I told him it wasn't and to knock it off. He says "mom, tomorrow is my last first day of middle school. Next year I will be in High School." Whaaaaaat how did that happen. How is it possible that my BABY will be in high school???????????? It was hard when he left elementary school and started middle school but him moving up to high school is going to kill me. I will be a BASKET CASE knowing that in only four short years he too will be moving out and going to college. This kid has his whole college life all planned out. Where he wants to go, how he wants to get there and how it is going to get paid for.
Does anyone know how to put a freeze on life? Every time I think of Meg leaving to go away to school I cry. I have not done well with the first two leaving, just ask them :) I am proud that we have raised children who want to go out and face the world but I just am not ready for them to do so, dang it!

Meagan's last "First Day" of High School. She was excited for school to start so she could get on with her senior year and all the excitement and activities it brings.

Matthew's last "First Day" of middle school. Next year he will attend the High School where Dennis teaches. I can not believe how quickly time has gone.
Off to meet the bus. Matt would rather be back in bed. Meagan was ready to go waaay ahead of time. She was so nervous it was funny.
Cathy, I am as shocked as you, because you know we are the same age! How can this happen? I know a way to slow it down--have another baby--har har har! DON'T!!!
WOW! I remember subbing in Matthew's class! How is he already in High School?!?!
Time flies by so fast. You have amazing kids. They are going to conquer the world and THEN some! :)
wow! Where does the time go?
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