Dennis' mom flew Jessica in for the weekend so she could be there for her cousins blessing. We picked her up Friday and headed right to the beach. She really wanted to go and that was the only time it would fit. She had been up since 4 that morning but she had a great time. Here is Jessica, Meagan and Matt having a good time in the ocean.
Cousin Clayton doing what he does at the beach, digging a hole. Clayton has CP and has gotten so big. Dennis tried to get him to boogie board a little but it scared him. He was content to play in the sand.
Matt and cousin Spencer playing the waves long after everyone else had given up. It was just too rough. We had not seen Spencer in 4 years. It was good to catch up wit everyone.
When we went back to Simi we went to the beach. The waves were so rough and there was a rip tide pulling the kids down the coast. The would ride a couple waves and have to get out and walk up the beach back to where we were. They finally gave up. While we there a pod of dolphins came in. They hung around for about 30 minutes playing in the surf, feeding and jumping in the air. It was very cool to watch them.
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