Okay not many husbands enjoy a Valentine weekend away WITH two children. He was looking forward to this weekend as much as I was. When we went into our hotel room there were the most amazing dozen red roses on the table. Dennis came up and said "Happy Valentines Day." He had called the hotel and asked them put have the flowers in there for me. I was totally not expecting it as Friday night when we went to dinner with friends he gave me a cute teddy bear and a beautiful necklace. I love that man more and more each day!!!!!
I got a personal trainer! :) I asked for it and he looked at me like "Is this a trap??? Uh, is it OK to give that to you for V-day?" I smiled and said "If I ask for it specifically for a V-day present it's ok!" :)
Does your man do trianign camps? Ha Ha. Actually I also noticed the Greek cruice icon on your sidebar too. That will be SWEEEEEET! (Günter served his mission in Greece and we went on our honeymoon to Santorini and Athens).
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