Last Wednesday Dennis and I took the kids ice skating in K-town. They have a rink they set up in the middle of the village. It is closing down this weekend so we thought we would give them one more trip. Jessica brought her friend Jeremy along. At one point Meagan got creative and tried to do a spin. It didn't work out so well. At the end of the night Matt was taken out by a really good skater that had spent the night skating VERY fast around the little rink. He went by Matt, hit him and sent him flying. He landed on his lower back and tail bone. He has been sitting very gently these last few days. Hope you enjoy the pictures of more of our fun in Germany. Man I LOVE this place.
I am so jealous of all the fun you're having in Germany! I didn't realize you were living in K-Town, that is where my family lived after we moved from Japan too. It is nice to have them a little closer now, but I definitely miss going back for visits!
We are living in a little village about 15 minutes up a mountain from K-Town. I did not want to live in the town. Dennis is teaching at Keiserslautern high school.
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